There are few things in life as simple as time. It ticks by unnoticed for most of the day absolutely harmless. However with the pressures we put on ourselves, time can be brutal. Over the past few years I’ve had a modern ‘smart’ watch on my wrist, another piece of plastic that does far more things then I ever use it for. It can tell me loads of information that inevitably will steal my time, whats app messages, social media notifications, weather updates, all things we are lead to believe are good for us. And maybe they are, who am I to judge? This is where I should introduce Elliot Brown.

Elliot Brown make watches, and I’ve joined their team of adventurous ambassadors. They have kindly replaced my plastic watch, with a stainless steal hand crafted master piece designed and conceived right here in Great Britain. The small team of outdoor lovers are based down in Dorset, on the south coast and take inspiration from their coastline surroundings. They build robust watches that are functional, fit-for-purpose and have inspired design. Since wearing my Mountain Rescue addition Canford watch, I’ve enjoyed the simplicity of having an analog watch again. I don’t have to charge it every few days, I also stopped caring long ago how many steps I took a day, and I certainly don’t miss random software updates. I love the fact now when I travel, I don’t have to wait for my watch to sync with my phone to update the time. I can just wind the winder thingy (technical term) and hey presto I’m in the right time zone, without the stress of technology. As I grow and learn more, I can’t help but come back to the thought of, simple is best. It works. Technology has it’s place, don’t get me wrong, but I’m a simple kind of guy. I look forward to exciting times ahead with the support of Elliot Brown.
Everyone meet Elliot Brown Watches. Elliot Brown meet these lovely people. Please check them out and let me know what you think. https://elliotbrownwatches.com
